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Anderson makes the case for integrating “low-bridge” media technologies into classroom assignments so as to create a “studio classroom.” “Low-bridge” here means consumer-level and easily accessible technologies that are not professional-grade (websites, free software, etc). He advocates for the use of this technology with the claim that multimedia projects combine the five literacies (linguistic, visual, audio, gestural, spatial) to a sixth (multimodal) literacy. In using this multimodal literacy, he argues, citing Bruno Latour, we start to think less of the physical object of technology and start instead to think about our relationship with technology as an interchange, not as a life-ruining relationship nor as utopian, but as an extension and avenue for human interaction and change. Engaging in this way gives space for a seventh literacy, what Anderson calls “critical/civic literacy,” and encourages students to use digital technology to invoke direct change. Low-bridge technologies are key in this practice in the composition classroom because they develop a maker space where students are learning and problem-solving “behind the scenes” in a way that is not a simulation. This in turn contributes to students’ motivation to experiment and to integrate personal interests into the classroom, thus enhancing the potential for “flow.” Anderson then outlines three case studies from his own classroom’s use of these low-bridge technologies.



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