I get to learn every day at work! As a digital publishing specialist, I work with faculty, staff, students, & nonprofit initiatives associated with Emory University. together, we translate their research into interactive digital artifacts. past projects have included everything from undergraduate zines about social justice & ethics to personal memoirs to digital medical education journals. I also oversee the Emory Center for Digital Scholarship’s Digital Pedagogy initiatives, host trivia at Mutation Brewing Company, & run a bookstagram to keep track of my book obsession. 

All of these activities are fueled by copious amounts of matcha. 

(no, it does not taste like dirt).

​​websites, mainly! but also instructor-led trainings, eLearning courses, assignments & syllabi, job aids, blogs, escape rooms. whatever teaches my client’s material most effectively.

I merge the theoretical with the tangible by creating culturally aware, accessible, and, most importantly, fun learning experiences for the digital, hybrid, & face-to-face classrooms. Click here to see a portfolio of my work.

I graduated in May 2023 with my PhD in English literature with a dissertation called “Home Schooling: Heuristics of Education in Postcolonial Fiction.” I focus my project around representations of education & metaphors of identity formation in four books– Nervous Conditions, The Moor’s Last Sigh, The God of Small Things, & White Teeth.

My research interests include postcolonial theory & literature & British Romantic &Victorian literature, namely representations of education & the home across the former British Empire & India. I am also interested in scholarship that outlines how echoes of imperial education persist in postcolonial spaces & curriculum today– & how we can use technology to offer more productive alternatives.

As a student affairs professional during my PhD, I oversaw residential education, crisis response, & community development for third- & fourth-year students as a Complex Director in Residence Life. My day-to-day was a mixed bag of instructional design, teaching literature, coordinating student staff diversity training, collaborating with campus partners to connect students with resources, & writing about books.

I’ve taught multiple college, middle-school, & high-school classes in English & digital humanities. I also partnered with the United States-India Educational Foundation as a Fulbright Scholar, focusing my time teaching on language learning & the performing arts.

I’ve also worked with nonprofit theatres, opera companies, & a Shakespeare Festival.

All of these experiences shaped my desire to make educational experiences engaging & applicable to people from all walks of life.

click here to shoot me an email. if you’re curious about publications, past projects, or anything else, here’s my CV.
