“The Low Bridge to High Benefits: Entry-Level Multimedia, Literacies, and Motivation” by Daniel Anderson

SUMMARY Anderson makes the case for integrating “low-bridge” media technologies into classroom assignments so as to create a “studio classroom.” “Low-bridge” here means consumer-level and easily accessible technologies that are not professional-grade (websites, free software, etc). He advocates for the use of this technology with the claim that multimedia projects combine the five literacies (linguistic, […]

“I’m OK, You’re (Not) OK: Teaching in a World of Relativism” by Phyllis Mentzell Ryder

SUMMARY Phyllis Mentzell Ryder seeks to push her students (and herself) beyond the paralysis of moral relativism in classroom discussion. Ryder examines works of what she considers to be activist literature/academia and identifies three recurrent rhetorical strategies among them: hierarchies of ignorance/awareness (“people are racist because they don’t know any better”), personal experience (“claims can’t […]
